Come one come all. Socrates Cafe on Friday June 26, 4 pm Central Time, following my appearance earlier in the day on Mexico’s premier national public radio program, Primer Movimiento, in which we’ll expolore, ¿Cómo enfrentamos y superamos el racismo? How do we confront and overcome racism?
Topic: Socrates Cafe -¿Cómo enfrentamos y superamos el racismo? How do we confront and overcome racism? Time: Jun 26, 2020 04:00 PM America/Central Time U.S.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 828 4230 7654 Password: 329718
Sooo grateful that Mexico’s national public radio recognizes the rightful and vital role that public philosophical inquiry has to play in this key moment in society at myriad scales, from the local to the national to global. (If only the U.S. did….. all about arguing, prosleytizing in U.S., alas, but all the more reason for us to fight the good fight and provide an alternative)