Democracy Cafe

Review of our 25th year

Dear Friends and Supporters, “Wonderful and groundbreaking work. A labour of love in the common search for knowledge and meaning. You’ve experienced one of the most incredible years of your life and still more to accomplish,to both express yourself and assist others. Your father would have been proud of you as we all are.  All […]

Celebrando El Espiritu de ’76

Pronto se celebra el día de la independencia de EEUU. Esta, así como su constitución fue la inspiración para muchos movimientos de independencia y constituciones que le seguirían, entre ellas la de México. El espíritu del ’76 (1776) es uno de libertad, de romper con lo establecido para buscar el bien común, uno incluyente y […]

Virginian-Pilot makes our Juneteenth Socrates Cafe one of its picks for events to take part in

How wonderful that the exquisite Virginian-Pilot newspaper listed our global #SocratesCafe – we’ll explore ‘How can we achieve absolute equality of rights for all?’ – among their recommended #Juneteenth events.…/vp-db-juneteenth-celebration-…Last month their feature writer, Amy Poulter, wrote a fabulous about our global Socrates Cafe/ #DemocracyCafe labor of love, and how we’ve successfully converted our initiatives to thriving live gatherings via Zoom […]