Feature article about our labor of love Socratizing and Democratizing
Wanted to share a marvelous feature article about my longtime Socrates Cafe / Democracy Cafe labor of love that came out today in The Virginian-Pilot, an excellent paper that covers my region of Virginia. Feature writer Amy Poulter shares how I’ve made an opportunity of the coronavirus lockdown to connect participants via Zoom from around […]
Socrates Cafe/ Cafe Democracia, 21 May – Dia de Diversidad Cultural- the UN World Day for Cultural Diversity — What kinds of diversity should we strive for?
Our next Socrates Cafe/ Democracy Cafe via Zoom video will be on Thursday May 21, 2 pm Central Time U.S., the day the UN has declared World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development — yep, that’s quite a mouthful. Acompananos! We’ll explore, What kinds of diversity should we strive for? Exploraremos: Que tipos […]
New Normal? — Global Democracy Cafe/Socrates Cafe, Friday May 15 @ 7 pm CentralTime via Zoom video
I want to invite you to our Democracy Cafe/Socrates Cafe via Zoom video on Friday evening at 7 pm Central Time, 8 pm Eastern Time. We’ll explore: New normal? What does it look like? What can and will it look like? What *should* it look like? How can we make that ‘should’ a reality — […]
When to Hold On, and When to Let Go — Announcing our Third Annual Alexander Phillips Arete Award
When should you hold on — and when should you let go — for dear life? That is the question for our Third Annual Alexander Phillips Arete Award. We invite you to delve into and share with us, — in a written work (poem, essay, short story, what have you, preferably in English, Spanish or […]
Club de Los Filosofos, Día del Niño en Mexico: ¿Que mundo quieres ver?
¿Que mundo quieres ver? Me encantaría ver un mundo en el que nuestros más pequeños tengan la oportunidad de compartir qué tipo de mundo les gustaría ver. Es rara vez que nosotros adultos consultamos con los niños, y mucho menos con los niños como nuestros iguales. Los celebramos, incluso tenemos días especiales para ellos, sin […]
Cafe Democracia Global, 1 de Mayo, Dia del Trabajador — ¿Cómo podemos asegurar que cada trabajador sea valorado y tratado con dignidad?
Acompanos el 1 de Mayo, el Dia del Trabajador, para explorar en nuestro Cafe Democracia Global, ¿Cómo podemos asegurar que cada trabajador sea valorado y tratado con dignidad? Topic: Christopher Phillips Socrates Cafe (Espanol) Zoom -Dia del Trabajo Time: May 1, 2020 02:00 PM America/Central Time U.S. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82387446573?pwd=Qm5ldTJ1YzFwemI5RjFuV2dqeXFYQT09 Meeting ID: 823 8744 […]
How does music bring us closer to ourselves and others? — A Global Socrates Cafe, April 30, International Day of Jazz
How can music bond us? How can it divide us? How can it make you closer to yourself? That’s the question we’ll explore at 1 pm April 30, Thursday — International Jazz Day — at our next global Socrates Cafe.I want these virtual experiences and exchanges of ours, at least sometimes, to be a little […]
How do we build trust in a trust-deficient world? Our next global Socrates Cafe / Democracy Cafe, Friday April 10
Christopher Phillips is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Global Socrates Cafe/DemocracyCafe — How can we build trust in a trust-deficient world? How can we build true trust in a trust-deficient world? Is it that “honesty is all we need” in order to do so, as Mama Cass Elliot once famously said? What […]
From citizen bioethics panels at hospitals, to civic giving and participation to those who need it most, to modeling involved citizenship — Thoughts and notes from our participants in our 3/26 Global Democracy Cafe on how best to confront this crisis
I enjoyed so much the Democracy Cafe we held on March 26. The thoughtful exchanged with about 20 people taking part reminded me of the kinds of inquiries I had in Montclair, New Jersey, where Socrates Cafe began. It was great to be able to use Zoom video to connect people from across the U.S. […]
Global Constitution Cafe/Democracy Cafe, April 2 — How do we best provide for the general welfare and promote the common good?
A number of Constitutions around the world — including those of the U.S., Argentina and the Philippines — as well as many charters and statutes on local, national, and global scales, stipulate that providing for the general welfare and/or promoting the common good is one of their central reasons for being. How do we — […]